Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Little Nature Therapy

Last year before this part of this river started getting built up we camped here many a times. You can drive right down to the river and camp right on it, fish, or put in your canoe or kayak. Me and Thomas took Kenadi camping here last summer. It was the first time she had ever got to truly camp in the woods rather than at a park or campground. She felt like big stuff, I figured her favorite part would be driving down to it in the truck going through mud and all the bumps along the way but she ended up falling asleep and taking a nap the whole drive through the woods haha! It really cracked us up! 

 Kenadi and Thomas doing a little fishing last summer

This is probably my all-time favorite spot on the river. Me and Thomas got to see about 10 deer run through the woods and go down to the river and cross at the bend. Then we got to see a little baby deer swim upstream past us. This picture was taken the last good weekend in November 2016 before it really got cold. 

The view from the top of Ship Rock will always be one of my favorites

Thomas went camping here one night that I couldn't go and he carved our initials on top of Ship Rock. (Apparently he caught hell from all the guys he was with lol but when he carried me up there and showed me that I thought it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me!) 

Headwaters of the Sipsey River

One Sunday afternoon me, Thomas, Justin, and Leroy decided to go find the Big Tree. 

Looking back I'm really glad we made it there because none of us had ever been and went an "unofficial" way but we made it right to it! We knew we would have to hike out in the dark but we all had headlamps and flashlights and really didn't care. We went back a different way (on the trail) and climbed through Eye of the Needle (in the dark). The things I get myself into hiking with a bunch of boys. They are a lot of fun to be around though!

Pictures will not do the Big Tree justice. It's something you just need to see for yourself!

I find a lot of peace of mind when I come to the woods. I like to get away from all the bull shit. There is something so refreshing about knowing you don't have any cell phone service and there's nobody around you majority of the time- It's like it's easier to breath out there.