Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bigfoot or nah?

After exploring Eagle Creek, since it still hadn't rained we drove to a different part of Bankhead- I'm not naming names on this one because sometimes you just know others cannot appreciate things like you can! After reading up on a blog I follow we all decided to explore, bushwhack and walk the bluff line off a creek that flows into Brushy Creek. We knew it would be rough but did not quite prepare ourselves for this trip! We park empty out our backpacks (because who wants to carry unnecessary weight in your pack when you're not camping?! We get down to the creek and decide to cross it- after doing so we immediately regretted the decision. We stopped and grabbed some lunch and decided that we would need to cross the creek again because the terrain was getting unbearable. Before crossing we walk up a stream that empties into the creek we are following. We were surprised by beautiful waterfall.
It's one thing to cross a creek to the other side but when that creek is moving and about 5 foot deep in some places it really changes the game. Sometimes you just gotta make the best of the situation and play the cards you got so we took our shoes off said screw it and started walking up the creek. We like to thank Leroy for that bright idea. After walking up the creek a ways looking for shallower water, I walk by a massive print that stopped me and made me turn back around- I motioned everyone toward me and asked them if they saw what I did? We always joke about Bigfoot and how bad we would like to find proof of him by seeing him for ourselves. We believe we have found a possible bigfoot print! Look at the picture and decide for yourselves. 
Thomas' foot beside it is a size 13...not the greatest picture but it's definitely like nothing we have ever seen! 
Who knows what it is but in this forest there is no telling what is deep inside of it! But we will keep exploring and loving this beautiful place.