Sunday, February 26, 2017

Rush Creek in the Bankhead National Forest

My Nana, whom is about 68 (If I'm correct), is an avid horse rider in the Bankhead National Forest. Shes been coming to the forest longer than I've been alive! She showed me the most awesome thing on this creek that most people do not know about. I always have my hesitations about telling anyone about what we find out in this forest because people today don't give a damn about messing up anything. Campers come from out of town and TRASH and disrespect the forest. Not all people who trash it up are from out of town but according to many of the locals I have talked to- most of them are. Anywho, off my soapbox. My Nana told me that many of her friends come to this creek to draw their water from. I was pretty confused when my Nana started telling me that people go have this water tested and it's safer than what comes out of our faucets. No fluoride, no chlorine...just pure mountain stream water!! With Nana and Kenadi along for the ride we set out to Rush Creek. There use to be a horse trail that ran near this place, it has wooden posts in front of the entrance blocking it from access. We park on the side of the road and start walking up a trail that leads into the woods. I pass by a tree with many carvings in it of people's names over the years so I realize this is or was a pretty heavily traveled trail. Within a very short walk I see what looks like a shelter bluff coming up right in front of us.
Upon walking for a very short distance you will see this and as you walk closer into it you will see this....
 A pipe coming right out of the mountain! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to whomever set this up! I enjoy coming out here every week and getting some fresh water from here. Now in regards of this actually being clean drinking water,,,I have not personally tested this water and compared it to any other treated water but I have literally consumed gallons of it. As a matter of fact it's the only water I have been drinking for months so I will continue doing just that! Just knowing that it doesn't come from a water treatment plant is enough for me!!
I plan to explore majority of this creek soon! I read that there was a geocache along this creek somewhere. Stay posted for more about what I find along the way!