Monday, February 20, 2017

Turkey Foot Falls and Mize Mill in the Sipsey Wilderness

Story goes as far as I know this old 1936 Ford wrecked off what was the old run that ran near what we know as Cranal Road now. I don't believe anyone died but I could be wrong. I can't believe this thing is still here. Kenadi tells me this is one of her favorite spots in the forest. So today she had a long weekend at school so we came to eat lunch at Turkey Foot Falls and see Mize Mill Falls along the way too. 
It's always good when you can get your family out there with you! My nana is almost 68 I believe and she still loves coming out here. 
Turkey Foot Falls
A cascade along Turkey Creek that runs into the Sipsey River
Mize Mill Falls
Apparently most people have no idea these are carved above the old Mize mill site on both sides of the creek. 
Pictures don't do it justice until you hike yourself into the wilderness and see whats left of this old 1936 Ford that is buried there! 
Drove through an are where they did a controlled burn on the way home.