Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The future of Alabama

The above link is an article on that I really enjoyed reading. A lot of people...most people have a misconception about marijuana because they are ignorant towards what is actually is and does. Yes of course it can make you high and giggly, some people it makes paranoid. It can be used for recreation and medicinal purposes. I do understand people believe it isn't for them...I am not "them" so I don't guess I fully understand. I only know how it effected me! I am very surprised to see so many people that drink alcohol regularly but look down on those who would rather get stoned than drink liquor or beer. It doesn't make any sense but I'm not here to criticize anyone for how they feel! My intention with this post is to just inform and help you open your mind to some things you may not realize. While working in Birmingham at a big hospital I seen things that I will never forget. That place has one of the biggest pysch wards I know of in the state. The amount of patients that they see and treat for drug related mental illnesses is scary. People overdosing by the dozens in that big city and all around us everyday. Some places the opiate addiction epidemic is way worse than our state's. Addiction affects young adults my age, middle age, elderly, even YOUNG teens. The rich...the poor...white, black, Christian, Muslim, it doesn't matter, addiction can effect anyone. I will never forget 4 years ago the day I found a 24 year old man overdosed on Methadone and Xanax. He had aspirated and when the ambulance got there his BP was 35/12. They shot him up with Narcan and he managed to pull through but sadly I believe he's only OD' other times since then. Some people will never be able to beat it and others like myself do...and others will fight everyday and struggle to beat it. It's heartbreaking for families. Mothers finding their daughters in their own homes OD'd and not having any idea their child is addicted to something. It's easy to get addicted to anything these days. Some people just have that addictive personality..chasing whatever they feel like can satisfy the emptiness that they feel inside. If I didn't have my daughter sadly I don't feel like I would be here today. she gave me a reason to fight and live for something. She and Thomas taught me how to enjoy life and enjoy the hell out of it and stop looking for a pill that can cure my depression or anxiety. Becuase Jack is the only one I know of that ever found any magic beans....I went to the doctor multiple times looking for help for my depression and mood swings and horrible anxiety. They offered me little hope only new anti depressants or stronger nerve pills to numb it. One day I feel like I just woke up and realized I was the one in control of my life. I'M the one who dictates how I feel. I decided not to be weak anymore. And that didn't happen over night. It's taken me a hard few years to get to this point of where I feel good about life!
This opiate addiction epidemic isn't going anywhere folks. The heroin in the states has only increased and became more lethal. Our doctors don't know how to treat it (majority of them anyway). Our government just has their heads up each others ass's arguing about money like they normally do. They don't care that treatment centers and hospitals are FULL. Pregnant women are addicts and can't get the help that they need. It's just such a sad situation. Look at all of the states who have legalized medical marijuana at the declining rates of opiod related deaths and NUMEROUS amounts of chronic pain patients who are no longer having to take opiates or synthetic opiates to help their pain. I don't even have the time to go into detail about all of the benefits it would have for patients who seek other alternatives for healthcare and medication. The amount of revenue that legalizing marijuana could bring the state is almost sickening. It would help pay for Medicaid and our schools! Growing hemp in the state could be possible revenue for so many farmers.
I just feel like it's time we all have to wake up and realize what is really going on around us rather than trying to ignore all of the problems. They are only going to get worse! I could ramble on all day with anyone about this topic but use the good ole Google and look up the facts for yourself friends.